N01ytics e.U.

Your data is only yours.

What is N01ytics?

Your trusted IT specialist for Graz and its surroundings.
We work exclusively with free software and free operating systems.
We offer software development and system administration for both individuals and small-sized companies. Here is a more detailed list of the systems and languages we offer.

Why N01ytics?

Because the current IT landscape is dominated by a handful of non-European technology conglomerates that put their own interests first and are mostly actively user-hostile. This current state is neither sustainable nor secure, considering the dependency that both individuals and companies have developed to these companies' products and services. Even worse, most of these companies routinely violate EU data protection regulations.
N01ytics' approach is the exact opposite. We want to position ourselves as a supplier of open technologies while actually listening to our customers and implementing simple solutions in accordance with their wishes, as well as with current and foreseeable EU-wide regulations.
Additionally, we work together with European providers of open hardware.
Our customers always retain control, overview and ownership of their data, and they decide where and how it is stored as well as where it is transferred to.

What does N01ytics actually do?

What does N01ytics not do?

Who is N01ytics?

My name is Raymundo Soto and I've been working in IT for the last 7.5 years. N01ytics is a registered company in Graz, Austria. I will be glad to hear from you!